
ignorer of the blog

 I feel like there is so much that I have missed that I can't even start.... So no catching up will happen we will start from right here.  this is me now.. feeling very large and ever so growing. 31 weeks have gone by and only 9 more to go, the doctors have told us that the baby is healthy and i am healthy.. no complaints here.  

   the busy season of the holidays really never ended. teaching. new house. justin working. finding new, new house. loan. teaching. baby moving. new house waiting. and just the going, going of day to day. life is great.

   you should really check out justins blog he has been doing some really cool stuff and he would also love for you to make a comment. i kinda know.


Liz Galvin said...

Oh....Steph what a cute little bump! I can't believe that you're that far along. The rest of the time will fly by! Congrats on the new house. We're so happy for you!

Carrie and Jeff said...

Hey steph...I finally remembered to check out your blog. You're so cute and I'm glad we're BTF (Best Teacher Friends)...I just made that up. Ya, I'm cool.

Anonymous said...

STEPH!! We went to dinner with Kerri Jex and her husband and somehow Moab got brought up...and we realized we both knew you...and she told me you were pregnant! Congrats! I can just picture you and Justin with a raft full of little ones chuggin along the river :) Be sure to post pictures when the little guys gets here. YOu look great!